Introduction to Computer| NTS| IBA| SPSC | test Preparation

Introduction to Computer: Theory + MCQs Test

   Introduction to Computer| NTS| IBA| SPSC | test Preparation 

This chapter Introduction to computer is important for government job tests in different departments NAB, FIA, IB, Ministry of Defence, National Testing Test NTS, SPSC Sindh Public Service Commission, FPSC Federal Public Service Commission, IBA Sukkur, and other testing services. Basics of the computer chapter is very important for computer-related jobs i-e LDC, UDC and Assisstant.

Watch this video & then solve MCQs test given below 👇

Sindh Public Service Commission test preparation 
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 Dear Aspirants of IBA multi-job, Computer is very necessary for all job tests. As per my previous test experience. I will update some chapters/topics that have higher chances to appear in IBA tests. So, following chapter is also important. Read it carefully and then solve following MCQs test.       

CPU: Central processing unit is called Brain of computer, its communication system that controls all parts of computer peripherals.

Storage devices: processors have to deal with storage devices, first the data is moved from secondary storage (hard drive also called Auxiliary memory) to primary storage (RAM also called main memory), then RAM sends it to cache memory, after the cache memory. It is sent to processor for processing the data. Secondary storage is also called non-volatile that means it saves our data permanently until we delete it ourselves. While, RAM is volatile memory, it saves data for a short period until our computer is switched on.

Cache memory: (Pronounced as “cash”) is the volatile memory which is nearest to the CPU, it provides high-speed data access to a computer microprocessor, it saves recently used programs, its an intermediate memory between RAM & Hard disk. 

Input device: by which we give commands to computer, like keyboard, mouse or scanner, while output devices that produce results after giving input (like: printer, monitor screen & loudspeakers). Processor is an intermediate device between input / output devices, that get commands from input device and process that given command and then send results to output devices.

Lets say: I type my name Abdul Khalique through input device (keyboard), it sends message to processor, processor will process this message and will send it to output device (monitor/screen).

What is high level & low level language?

Human understandable language is high level language & machine language (0,1) is low level language that is understood by computer machine only.

In the first generation of computers, programmers had to write Softwares (instructions) for computer in (0,1), after language translators: like assembler, compiler and interpretors. Now programmers perform the job of software designing (programming) in high level language.

 lets suppose in C++ (a programming language), when we write printf("Ahmed"), compiler(language translator) will convert high level (human understandable) language (print Ahmed) into machine language to make the computer print Ahmed on screen.

Main difference between compiler and interpretor is that compiler compiles whole program at a time while interpretor compiles it line by line. 

Link for online MCQs test of this chapter:

Click Here:

Introduction to Computer MCQ

Video lecture of this chapter

Introduction to Computer Video



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