Types of software | Computer Basics| SPSC| BPS05-15

Types of Software: Theory + MCQs Test

Basic of computer: Types of Software

We have updated MCQs + theory of the chapter Types of software: Its helpful for the different government job tests such as IBA sukkur, SPSC Sindh Public Service Commission, FPSC Federal Public Service Commission, NTS National testing service. It is important for government jobs of teaching and non teaching such as LDC Lower Division clerk, Upper Division Clerk (UDC), Assistant jobs. We have explained System software, Application software and Utility software.

Types of software | Computer Basics| SPSC| BPS05-15

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Dear Aspirants of IBA multi-job, Computer is very necessary for all job tests, as per my previous test experience, i will update some chapters/topics that have higher chances to appear in IBA tests, so following chapter is also important, read it carefully and then solve following MCQs test. 

Types of software (System Software & Application Software)

What is Software & state the types of software (System software, Application software & utility software)?

System software: A program that helps us to manage hardware resources (memory, CPU time, disk space, input and output devices).

Operating system is example of system software that starts first after switching on our computer. Windows 10 is latest operating system used by desktop/laptop computers, while Android, Macintosh operating system are used by smart-phones.

Application Software: A set of computer programs that work together to solve an specific problem.

Example: MS Office, Ulead video studio, corel draw & other applications installed as per the need of user.

Utility software: For repairing a computer or protecting it from virus, antivirus is example of utility software.

Drivers: a device driver comes under the category of System software is a program that helps machine to recognize any device, it also comes handy to operate or control a device, now days operating system offers built-in graphic and audio video drivers.

Innovation in Operating System: Black screen only with such commands were used to operate Computers called command line Interface, (DOS) Disk operating system is an example of it & Graphical user interface (GUI) where we have icons, images and easy to use interface to interact with Computer like Windows, Android, Macintosh & other operating systems are know GUI (Graphical user interface) .

Open Source software: The software that is available to users with source code. Source code is mechanism used in program to get any work done through Computer, user can modify that code to improve the software. Additional features can also be added.

Freeware: A software that is available free of cost. users can download freeware from internet at no cost. Hence these softwares do not provide any freedom of modifying it.

Shareware: Shareware software is freely distributed to users for limited period or trial basis. There is a time limit for example- free for 30 days or 2 months.

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Types of software MCQs

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