
Showing posts from December, 2021

IBA BPS05-15 Mock test (GK)

  IBA BPS05-15 Mock test (GK) Before appearing in Mock test, some Hints for memorization of Arts Subjects: In Science & Maths, you need only to understand terms, memorization work in science & maths is very little, you have only to remember some formulae.  When it comes to Arts subjects, you need to memorize a lot of information in your mind before appearing in any job test, for this you have to repeat the same knowledge in different forms & pass it from your mind again & again in order to memorize it. some helpful are hints: 1. Join Facebook/Whatsapp MCQs groups and ask your other friends to make an sms group where everyone may share MCQs. 2. Watch videos of same knowledge that you have passed in your mind through SMS. 3. Discuss with your friends.   4 . Keep visiting our blog. Click Here: GK BPS05-15 Mock test Related Post Maths Mock Test اوھان دوست پھرين اسان جي ڪنھن ب واٽس ايپ گروپ جا ميمبر ناھيو ت ٽيسٽن جي تياري لاء اسان جو واٽس ايپ گروپ ب جئاين ڪري سگھو ٿا If y

IBA BPS05-15 Mock test (Maths)

  IBA BPS05-15 Mock test (Maths) Sukkur IBA testing service & jobs tests of BPS05-15, that are conducted by different services, as per my experience, those test are in the chapters of Ratio/proportion, percentage, average, geometry, algebra & Simplification chapters from maths Section, so this online Mcqs test of matric level will give you an idea of actual job test inshAllah. After appearing in this online test, click view score after submitting your response to see the results, hope you will enjoy and learn from it. share it to your friends and family after appearing in this online test. Click Here: Maths Mock test Bps05-15 Related Post: Maths test part2: Maths mock test Bps05-15 Everyday Science mock test اوھان دوست پھرين اسان جي ڪنھن ب واٽس ايپ گروپ جا ميمبر ناھيو ت ٽيسٽن جي تياري لاء اسان جو واٽس ايپ گروپ ب جئاين ڪري سگھو ٿا If you are not already the member of any of our whatsapp Preparation group, you may join us through following link: Click Here : Whatsapp Preparation

IBA BPS05-15 Mock test (Everyday Science)

  IBA BPS05-15 Mock test (Everyday Science) Dear brother & sisters! Here is Abdul Khalique, i have  experience of almost 40 job tests including 8/9 test e of IBA Sukkur, on the basis of past papers of IBA Sukkur.  I have prepared these MCQs tests for  Aspirants of BPS05-15 & other jobs (Matric & Graduation category), here is everyday Science top & most repeated MCQs, solve it online & experience before going to the actual test, we have tried our best to give you feeling of real test, we have prepared it on the basis of IBA Past papers, hopefully it will give you better clue of IBA tests.  You may visit our  Youtube channel  & join whatsapp paid maths classes. Click Here: Everyday Science (matric cat:) MCQs Related Post English Mock test اوھان دوست پھرين اسان جي ڪنھن ب واٽس ايپ گروپ جا ميمبر ناھيو ت ٽيسٽن جي تياري لاء اسان جو واٽس ايپ گروپ ب جئاين ڪري سگھو ٿا If you are not already the member of any of our whatsapp Preparation group, you may join us through follo

IBA BPS05-15 Mock test (English)

  IBA BPS05-15 Mock tests English 25 MCQs Dear Aspirants of BPS05-15, here is English online MCQs test for Matric level, it contains Synonym, Antonym, Prepositions & error correction 25 MCQs, after pressing submit button, click on view button to see your result. We have whatsapp paid services for maths Preparation &  Youtube Channel  that offers free classes for all subjects including pedagogy, maths, english and Computer. Hope you will have be enough material to Prepare yourself for BPS05-15 Jobs through our whatsapp, youtube & blog. Regards ! Click Here: English IBA Mock test Related post IBA Synonym Antonym MCQs IBA Preposition MCQs اوھان دوست پھرين اسان جي ڪنھن ب واٽس ايپ گروپ جا ميمبر ناھيو ت ٽيسٽن جي تياري لاء اسان جو واٽس ايپ گروپ ب جئاين ڪري سگھو ٿا If you are not already the member of any of our whatsapp Preparation group, you may join us through following link: Click Here: Whatsapp Preparation group Home

Islamiat MCQs set 01

  Islamiat MCQs set 01 1.In which Surah of the Holy Quran, the word ” Khatimun Nabiyen ” is mentioned ? A. Al Falq B. Al Fateha C. Al Tauba D. AL Ahzab 2.The Battle Of Uhad was fought in which hijri ? A. 3 Hijri B. 2 Hijri C. 4 Hijri D. 5 Hijri 3.Name of Surah of Holy Quran which mentions the rights of the parents? A. Surah Ahzab B. Surah Luqman C. Surah Mudassar D. Surah Al Maeda 4.‘Jalsa’ in Namaz is _________? A. Farz B. Sunnah C. Wajib D. None of these 5.When Gazwah Motah was fought ? A. 3 hijri B. 5 hijri C. 8 hijri D. 9 hijri 6.The first Msjid (Mosque) on the surface of Earth is? A. Masjid-ul-Haram B. Masjid-e-Nabavi C. Masjid-e-Aqsa D. Masjid e Quba 7.The worship place of the Jews is called__________? A. Mosque B. Synagogue C. Gurdwara D. Jinja 8.Masarif of Zakat (Recipients of Zakat) are mentioned in which Surah of Quran Pak? A. Surah Muzamil B. Surah Tauba C. Surah Al-Noor D. None of these 9.What is the compulsory tax on the produce of agricultural lands? A. Poll tax B. Ushr C

Islamiat MCQs set 02

  Islamiat MCQs set 02 11.Who was the first writer of “Wahi” in Quraish? A. Harat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA) B. Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)  C. Hazrat Abdulla bin Zubair (RA) D. Hazrat Ibn Masuod (RA) 12.In which Surah of Quran mentioned that the number of months are Twelve? A. Al-Imran B. Al-Bakra C. Al-Taoba D. Al-Anfal 13.The Battle of Yarmouk was fought during the caliphate of___________? A. Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) B. Hazrat Usman (RA) C. Hazrat Umar (RA) D. Hazrat Ali (RA) 14.In which Surah Hajj has been commanded? A. Surah Fateh B. Surah Baqara C. Surah Rehman D. Surah Fath 15.In which timings the Namaz is prohibited? A. Sun rising B. Sun setting C. Sun at the mid D. All of these 16.Namaz-e-Kasoof is offered at the time of _______ ? A. Solar eclipse B. Lunar eclipse C. earthquake D. heavy rain 17.Payment of Mehr to wife is:__________? A. epends on the Demand by Wife B. It is social affair C. Obligatory   D. Not Ordained by Allah 18.Which was the first institution of Islam? A. Suffah

Islamiat MCQs set 03

  Islamiat MCQs set 03 21.Ghazwah Widdah/abwa was fought in _____ Hijrah year? A. 1st B. 3rd C. 5th D. 7th 22.Which surah was recited by Holy Prophet at the time of migration? A. Surah-e-Tawbah B. Surah-e-Yasin C. Surah-e-Rehman D. Surah-e-Kausar 23.The Short period between two Sajda’s is called________? A. Qauma B. Jalsa C. Qayaam D. Qaada 24.Soomro To sit straight in Salat is called________? A. Qauma B. Jalsa C. Qayaam D. Qaada 25.When did Hazrat Hamza embraced Islam? A. Fifth Nabvi B. Sixth Nabvi C. Seventh Nabvi D. Eighth Nabvi 26.Who is a renowned biographer of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): A. Martin lings B. Michael H Hart C. Vincent Cronin D. Maurice Bucaille 27.The study of Religions is called:___________? A. Seismology B. Theology C. Gerontology D. Etymology 28.Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) belonged to the tribe of__________? A. Banu Sahm B. Banu Taym C. Banu Hashim D. Banu Asad 29.Who wrote the Treaty of Hudaibiya? A. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah (R.A) B. Hazrat Ali (R.A)   C. Hazrat Usm

Islamiat MCQs set 04

  Islamiat MCQs set 04 This post is in developing stage 31.There are _________ farz in wuzoo. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 32.There are _________ farz in Ghusal. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 33.In which Sura the law of inheritance mentioned? A. Nisa B. Ma’ida C. Noor D. Anbiya 34.Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Qur’an? A. Shab-e-Bara’at B. Shab-e-Miraj C. Shab-e-Qadar D. None of these 35.How many times Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem is repeated in the Holy Quran? A. 116 B. 115 C. 114 D. 113 36.Kalima Tayyaba, salat, Zakat, Hajj and soam are the fundamental______of Islam? A. Beliefs B. Faiths C. Pillars D. Corners 37.Second Ashra (second ten days of Ramadan) is known as? A. Days of Mercy B. Days of Forgiveness C. Days to seek refuge from Hellfire D. None of these 38.The Holy Qur’an was revealed from? A. 607-630 AD B. 610-632 AD C. 608-633 AD D. 609-632 AD 39.Hazrat Khadija (RA) (she was first to offer prayers in muslim umah) was _______ years older than Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). A. 5 B. 9 C. 13 D. 1

Islamiat MCQs set 05

  Islamiat MCQs set 05 41.Name the term on which acting upon it is not rewarding but it is also not a sin if you do not act upon it what is about it? A. Makruh-i-Tanzihi B. Makruh-i-Tehrimi C. Mubah D. Mustahab 42.Analogy is synonym of_____________? A. Ijtehad B. Qiyas C. Ijma D. Jury 43.What is the literal meaning of Shariah__________? A. A clear straight path B. Instructions to follow C. Making a new laws D. Making new Islamic system 44.The name of the fifth Kalimah is ? A . Kalimah Tamjeed B. Kalimah Istighfar C. Kalimah Shahdat D. Kalimah Tauheed 45.What is the other name of Surah Fatiha? A. Umm al-Quran B. Umm al-Kitab C. Both A & B D. None of these 46.How many Muslims Martyred in Battle of Badr ? A. 7 B. 14 C. 21 D. 28 47.Makkah was also called___________? A. Ummul Qura B. Baladul Ameen C. Bakkah D. All of these 48.Which is fifth month of Islamic Calendar? A. Moharram B. Rajab C. Jamadi-ul-Awwal D. Safar 49.______ is called Shield against sins. A.Salat B. Zakat C. Fasting D.H

Islamiat MCQs set 06

  Islamiat MCQs set 06 51.Who Translated Holy Quran in Persian? A. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani B. Shah Wali Ullah C. Hazrat Majdad Alif Sani D. None of these 52.How many Surah are with name of Prophets?   A. 2 B. 3 C. 6 D. 5 53.In which Hajjri Ghazwa e Ohad was fought? A. 2 AH B. 4 AH C. 5 AH D. 3 AH 54.Name the battle which came to an end without result? A. Hunain B. Tabook C. Ohad D. Mota   55.Whom Arabs called ‘Saabi’_____________? A. Those who worshiped moon B. Those who worshiped stars C. Those who worshiped idols D. Those who worshiped sun 56.Injeel means________________? A. Light B. Sign C. Peace D. Good news 57.Torat means _____________? A. Law B. Sign C. Peace D. Good news 58.Zaboor means________________? A. Pieces B. Law C. Signs D. Good news 59.Which article of the constitution of 1973 is related to the affairs of Zakat______? A. 31 B. 44 C. 46 D. 39 60.Tawaf-e-Rukan is _______________ component of Hajj? A. .Nafil B. Farz C. Wajib D. Sunnat Related Post : Islamiat MCQs set 07

Islamiat MCQs set 07

  Islamiat MCQs set 07 61.Which incident took place on 24th September 622 AD in the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? A. He PBUH migrated to Madina B. He fell ill C. He was attacked D. He was stopped to travel 62.When Hijrah started? A. 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 13th Nabvi B. 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 12thNabvi C. 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 14th Nabvi D. 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 10th Nabvi 63.What is the most important event of Sixth Hijrah? A. The prohibition of wine B. The treaty of Huddaibiah C. The battle of Ahzab D. The meesaq-e-madina 64.Name the first written constitution of the world? A. The treaty of Hudaibiya B. Meesaq-e-Madina   C. The Khutaba-e-Hajja-tul-widah D. None of them 65.Name the wife of the Holy prophet (SAW) who was titled as Umm-ul-Masakeen? A. Hazrat Ummay Habiba (RA) B. Hazrat Ummay Salma (RA) C. Hazrat Zainab (RA)  D. Hazrat Zainab Bint-t-Jahsh 66.Khateeb –ul-Anbia is a title of______________? A. Hazrat Idress (AS) B. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) C. Hazrat Yaqoob (AS) D. Hazrat Shoaib (

Islamiat MCQs set 08

  Islamiat MCQs set 08 71.who added 2nd Azan for friday prayers ? A. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) B. Hazrat Umar (R.A) C. Hazrat Usman (R.A) D. Hazrat Ali (R.A) 72.Five prayers were declared compulsory in? A. 9th Nabvi B. 10th Nabvi C. 11th Nabvi D. 12th Nabvi 73.In which Hijri year Hajj was made compulsory? A. 8 Hijri B. 9 Hijri C. 10 Hijri D. None of them 74.On which place, first Wahi was decended? A. Sore Cave B. Hira Cave C. Khana-Kaaba D. None of them 75.How many surah start with word Qul? A. 2 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 76.The third pillar of Islam is? A. Zakat B. Fast C. Touheed D. Namaz 77.The Soam is a pillar of Islam. It is declared as an ? A. Armour B. Love C. Welfare D. None of These 78.Gathering on Arafat during Hajj is made on__________? A. 9th Zil Hajjah B. 3rd Ramazan C. 2nd Safar D. 18 Shawal 79.Name the person whose house became the centre of preaching of Islam: A. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) B. Hazrat Usman (RA) C. Hazrat Arqam (RA) D. Hazrat Talha (RA) 80.What was the significant event of 27

Islamiat MCQs set 09

  Islamiat MCQs set 09 81.In Hajj, stoning the Devil, is called __________ ? A. Istilam B. Sayee C. Ramee D. Tawaf 82.In Hajj, traveling seven times between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, is called __________ ? A. Istilam B. Sayee C. Ramee D. Tawaf 83.Second migration to Habshah took place in__________ ? A. 613 A.D B. 614 A.D C. 615 A.D D. 616 A.D 84.Ghazwa-e-Badr occurred in ____________? A. 2 Hijrah B. 3 Hijrah C. 4 Hijrah D. 5 Hijrah 85.Surah ___________ is known as Heart of Quran. A. Rahman B. Ankaboot C. Falaq D. Yaseen 86.Surah _________ is known as beauty of Quran. A. Yaseen B. Rehman C. Kausar D. Hujrat 87.At age of ___________ holy Prophet received first Wahi. A. 38 Years B. 39 Years C. 40 Years D. 41 Years 88._________ Ghazawahs are described in Holy Quran. A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13 89.Interest was prohibited in _________ A.H. A. 5th B. 6th C. 7th D. 8th 90.Prophet Hazrat ____________ has the title Najeeb Ullah A. Ibrahim A.S B. Noah A.S C. Musa A.S D. Dawood A.S Related Post Isl

Islamiat MCQs set 10

  Islamiat MCQs set 10 91.Which year is called the Year of Sorrow? A. 9th Nabvi B. 13th Nabvi C. 6th Nabvi D. 10th Nabvi 92.To what Prophet the Zabur was revealed by Allah? A. Prophet Ibraheem (A.S) B. Prophet Dawood (A.S) C. Prophet Moosa (A.S) D. Prophet Essa (A.S) 93.What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of “The sword of Allah”? A. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) B. Umar Farooque (R.A) C. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) D. Khalid bin Waleed (R.A ) 94.What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of “The lion of Allah”? A. Umar Farooque (R.A) B. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) C. Hamza bin Abdul Mattalib (R.A) D. Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) 95.What was the name of Imam Bukhari (R.A)? A. Muhammad bin Ismaeel B. Muhammad Ismaeel C. Muhammad Ibraheem D. Ismaeel bin Ibraheem 96.Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered at the time of __________ ? A. Lunar eclipse B. Solar eclipse C. earthquake D. heavy rain 97.Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in Madina for __________ years. A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11 98.Siha

Pakistan Study MCQs set 01

  Pakistan Study MCQs set 01 1.The river Indus flows from which city? A. Gilgit B. Tibat C. peshawer D. kabul 2.Which City of Pakistan is famous for sports goods? A. Peshawar B. Lahore C. Sialkot D. Islamabad 3.Who was the first Governor of state bank Pakistan? A. Qasim parekh B. V.A Jaffery C. Abdul Qadir D. Zahid Hussain 4.Pakistan officially joined the United Nations (UN) on ___________? A. 30 October 1947 B. 30 September 1947 C. 30 August 1947 D. 30 March 1948 5.The biggest District of Pakistan by area is ___________? A. Mastung B. Chaghi C. Kalat D. Noski 6.Boundary   commission was headed by__________ ? A. Adorn Radcliffe B. Cecil Radcliffe C. Cyril Radcliffe D. Thomas Radcliffe 7.National Fish of Pakistan is ____________? A. Blue Marlin B. Hogfish C. Flounder D. Mahseer 8. The archaeological site “Kot Diji” is located near the city of________ A Larkana B. Thatta C. Khairpur D. Badin 9.When was the Gas discovered from sui? A. 1950 B. 1954 C. 1953 D. 1952 10.Who built Badshah