Error Correction - Subject Verb Agreement MCQs

Subject Verb Agreement Errors: MCQs + Theory

Subject Verb Agreement Errors: MCQs + Theory

We have updated MCQs test and theory examples for correcting the errors of Subject Verb Agreement related MCQs. Aspirants of FPSC Federal Public Service Teaching and Non-Teaching jobs, SPSC Sindh Public Service Commission ASI BPS09 Aspirants, and other testing service aspirants may benefit from this post. This post can also be helpful for Sukkur IBA Jobs.

Tags: Subject Verb Agreement, MCQs, Theory, FPSC, SPSC, Sukkur IBA, Government Jobs, Teaching Jobs, Non-Teaching Jobs

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Error Correction - Subject Verb Agreement MCQs & Important rules

We have updated MCQs test and theory examples for correcting the errors of Subject Verb Agreement related MCQs. Aspirants of FPSC Federal Public Service Teaching and Non-Teaching jobs, SPSC Sindh Public Service Commission ASI BPS09 Aspirants and other testing service aspirants may benefit from this post. This post can also be helpful Sukkur IBA Jobs.

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Rule no 1: Two or more singular subject joined by "and" take plural verb.

Example 1: A boy and a girl are reading.

Example 2: The wall and the tower have fallen.

Example 3: He and his friend have arrived.

Rule no 2: Two singular nouns joined by "and" if they mean the same person or object take a singular verb. In such cases both nouns take same article, not a separate one.

Example 1: The poet and philosopher is dead.
Example 2: A white and red car is parked in the street.
Example 3: Slow and steady wins the race.
Example 4: My friend and benefactor has come.

Rule 3 The following words have a singular verb if they are used as subject.
1 Each
2 Every
3 Either
4 Neither
5 None
6 Many a
Example 1: Each one of them was guilty.
Example 2: Many a man was drowned
Example 3: None of them is innocent
Example 4: Every one of the boys has stolen the book.
Example 5: Many a strong man has weakened before such challenge .
Example 6: Many a famous pop star has been ruined by drugs.

Rule no 4 Two singular nouns joined by "Either or", "Neither Nor"take the  singular verb.
Example no 1: Either he or his brother has stolen the book.
Example no 2: Neither he nor his daughter has stolen the watch.

Rule no 5 When two subject, joined by "Either or" , "Neither-Nor" are of different person, the verb agrees in person with the one nearest to it.

Example no 1: Neither he nor we are angry.( the last word/subject is "we" that's why we use plural verb)
Example no 2: Either you, or he is mistaken.
Example no 3: Neither Saleem nor his brothers have copied in the examination.

Rule no 6 When two nouns are joined by "with" or "as well as" the verb agrees with first noun wether it is singular or plural.

Example no 1: The principal with all the teachers has gone out for walk.
Example no 2: The students as well as the teacher are absent.
Example no 3: Physics as well as mathematics is taught in our college.

Watch this video of Subject Verb Agreement: Error Correction/ Error detection.

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Er: Correction sub verb agr: MCQs

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