Errors in the use of Article

Common Errors in the Use of Articles - Theory + MCQs

 Errors in the use of Article  

English error-free writing is important for government job tests and competitive examinations. You must know common mistakes in English. Because English error correction is part of almost every job test. It is important when you are officially writing in English. While communicating minor English mistakes are ignored when you are not a native English speaker. Here we have updated Common errors in the use of Article. This can help you in SPSC Sindh Public Service Commission, FPSC Federal Public Service Commission, NTS National Testing Service, IBA Sukkur and other testing services.

( Theory + MCQs )

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✓ Use of An -

An is used with Vowel Sounds.

An Essay, An Important Question, An Heir, An honest girl, An hour An Umbrella etc.

Here the consonants like h and u are producing vowel sounds.

✓ Use of A -

A is used with all the Consonant sounds.

✓ Usage of A and An

They are the shortened form of One or Any.

A and An can be used in the sense of " One " and "Per "

I have a car. It means I have one car.

I eat an apple a day means One Apple per day.

✓In the sense of " Any "

A Mr. Baloch was asking for you. ( It means you are unknown to Mr Baloch )

I saw a boy ( any boy ) in the ground.

Before a singular common noun, to make it a class ( group ) example - A dog is a faithful animal. All the dogs.

Use of The, Definite Article -

1. Before the names of seas, oceans, rivers, series of mountains, group of islands, deserts, gulfs, etc -

e.g the Ganges, the Arabian Sea, the Pacific Ocean, the Himalayas, the Andamans, The Sahara, The Persian Gulf

2. Before the names of heavenly bodies -

e.g. The sun, the moon, the earth etc.

3. Before historical buildings -

e.g. The Taj Mahal, The Red Fort, etc.

4. Before the names of trains, ships and aeroplanes -

e.g. The Shalimar Express, the Khyber Express, The Hazara Express etc.

5. Before the names of hotels and banks -

e.g. The Taj, the Oriental Bank of Commerce

6. Before the names of Newspapers, magazines and Scriptures -

e.g. The Hindustan Times, the Debonair, the Ramayana, the Quran, the Guru Granth Sahib, the Bible etc.

7. Before Political Parties -

e.g The Congress, the BJP etc.

8. Before the names of the countries and states if their names show the geographical or political features of the concerned country and state -

The is also used with countries whose names include the words states, kingdom, or republic:

However, the is used before countries whose names are plural in form:

e.g. the USA, the UK, the Punjab etc

USA shows that all the states are united, a political feature.

9. Before some languages if they are to convert in to the nationals of the concerned country -

e.g English is spoken by the English.

Here the English means Britons, the citizens of England.

10. Before the directions -

e.g. the north, the south etc.

11. Before the Unique posts -

e.g. The PM, The CM

12. Before the Important Buildings of the world -

e.g. The Parliament House

13. Before the superlative degree -

e.g. John is the best player of our team.

14. Before the comparative degree in the proportionate sentences -

e.g. The higher you go the cooler it is.

15. Before the ordinal numbers -

e.g. He was the first person to come and I was the last person to go.

16. Immediately after All -

e.g All the people, All the students

17. The institutions like schools, colleges, prisons, hospitals etc take the article ' the ' if used for the secondary function, and don't take ' the ' if used for the primary function-

He went to the hospital to meet his sick friend. ( Secondary )

We reach school in time everyday. ( Primary )

18. - Used with Musical instruments.

19. Some uncountable nouns cannot be used with articles. Examples are: progress, trouble and scope. Some can be used with articles in some cases.

Read above information carefully and solve following MCQs online test.

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Errors in the use Article MCQs test

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Proper use of Article



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