Errors in the use of Since & For

Errors in the Use of Since & For: Theory + MCQs

Errors in the Use of Since & For

Writing without mistakes in English is important for doing well in government job tests and competitive exams. Knowing common English mistakes is essential since many exams include questions about fixing errors. This skill is especially needed when writing official documents. While small mistakes might be forgiven in casual talk, especially for those who aren't native speakers, accuracy matters in formal writing. We have updated our resources on common mistakes with "Since" and "For." These are useful for exams like SPSC, FPSC, NTS, IBA Sukkur, and other testing services. (Includes Theory + MCQs)

Tags: English Grammar, Since vs For, Government Job Tests, Competitive Exams, SPSC, FPSC, NTS, IBA Sukkur, Theory, MCQs

Hashtags: #EnglishGrammar, #SinceVsFor, #GovernmentJobTests, #CompetitiveExams, #SPSC, #FPSC, #NTS, #IBASukkur, #Theory, #MCQs

Errors in the use of Since & For

Writing without mistakes in English is important for doing well in government job tests and competitive exams. Knowing common English mistakes is essential since many exams include questions about fixing errors. This skill is especially needed when writing official documents. While small mistakes might be forgiven in casual talk, especially for those who aren't native speakers, accuracy matters in formal writing. We have updated our resources on common mistakes with "Since" and "For." These are useful for exams like SPSC, FPSC, NTS, IBA Sukkur, and other testing services. (Includes Theory + MCQs)

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 We use 'for , when we want to say how long an action has continued or happened. We often use the perfect tense with 'for' but we can also use other tenses.

 ھم فار استعمال کرتے ہیں، جب ہم یہ کہنا چاہتے ہیں کہ کوئی عمل کتنے عرصے تک جاری رہا ہے۔ ہم اکثر فار کامل زمان سے استعمال کرتے ہیں: لیکن ہم دوسرے زمان سے بھی استعمال کر سکتے ہیں۔

 Example: They have worked on this project for 7 weeks. (how long it continued )

Examples: I have been cooking for 2 hours. (how long it continued)

Example: We walked for quite a few hours. (how long it happened)

Example: I'm going to Lahore for a week. (how long it will happen)

We use 'since' when we want to say when an action began and that is still continuing. We use the perfect tense with 'since'.

ہم 'سنس' استعمال کرتے ہیں جب ہم یہ کہنا چاہتے ہیں کہ کوئی عمل کب شروع ہوا اور یہ عمل اب بھی جاری ہے۔ ہم 'سنس' کے ساتھ کامل زمان استعمال کرتے ہیں۔

Example: 'Raja has been making pottery since he was 10 years old. (An action began in the past and is still continuing; he is still making pottery)

Example: They have worked here since I was a child. (They are still working)

Example: We've been waiting for the President's speech since 8 o'clock (We are still waiting)

Solve following MCQs to practice since and for usage:

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Errors in the use of Since & For



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