IBA BPS05-15 (22nd) free online MCQs test

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IBA BPS05-15 (22nd) Online MCQs test

Above Online Mock Test Pattern is same as given by Sukkur IBA:

English 40%: Paragraph 10%, Synonym 5%, Antonym 5%, Spell checking 5%, Error detection 5%, Sentence structure 5%, Appropriate use of Preposition 5%.

Maths 20%Important Chapters of Maths: Ratio Proportion, Percentage, Average, Algebra, Geometry, Square / Cube Root, Simplification.

General Knowledge 40%: Everyday Science 10%, Computer 10%, Current affairs/GK 15%, Pak Study/ Islamiat 5%.

How to prepare Error Correction section for IBA BPS05-15 & SPSC Sindh Public Service Commission (SST BPS16: Secondary School Teacher jobs) ?

English error detection questions can be challenging, but with the right preparation and approach, you can improve your performance in this section. Here are some tips that may help you:

Improve your grammar knowledge: You can start by improving your grammar knowledge, as this will help you identify errors in the sentences more easily. Review the basic grammar rules, such as subject-verb agreement, tenses, articles, prepositions, pronouns, and modifiers.

Practice regularly: Regular practice is key to improving your skills. You can find practice materials online or in books specifically designed for English error detection questions. Try to practice a few questions every day, and gradually increase the difficulty level as you progress.

Analyze your mistakes: Whenever you make a mistake, analyze the reason behind it. This will help you identify your weaknesses and work on them. Also, read the explanations for the correct answers carefully to understand why they are correct.

Improve your vocabulary: Having a good vocabulary can help you identify errors more easily, as well as choose the most appropriate option. You can work on expanding your vocabulary by reading regularly, using a dictionary, and practicing word games.

Read actively: To improve your comprehension skills, try to read actively. This means reading with a purpose, such as identifying the main idea, understanding the tone and style of the text, and recognizing any errors. You can also take notes while reading, summarize the text, or answer questions related to it.

Time management: In any test, time management is crucial. Practice solving questions within a specific time limit to improve your speed and accuracy.

Remember, improving your English error detection skills will take time and effort. But with regular practice and dedication, you can master this section and perform well in the tests conducted by IBA Sukkur, Sindh Public Service Commission or any other testing service.

Read the entire question and all answer options: It's important to read the entire question and all answer options before choosing your answer. This will help you avoid making mistakes due to misunderstandings or misreading the question.

Be aware of negative phrasing: Pay attention to questions with negative phrasing such as "which of the following is NOT true" or "which of the following is NOT a characteristic of..." as these can be tricky.

Here are some SPSC, FPSC & IBA Test - Like Error detection MCQs that you should practice & understand logic behind every question in order to obtain higher Marks in future tests>

1-Despite the heavy rain, we managed to go for a picnic in the park yesterday.

A. Despite the heavy rain, we managed

B. Despite of the heavy rain, we managed

C. Despite of heavy rain, we managed

D. Despite heavy rain, we managed

Answer: D

Reason: Option D is correct because "despite heavy rain" is the correct phrase, and "the" is not necessary before "heavy rain". Option A is also correct, but D is a more concise and natural way of phrasing the sentence.

2-She has been working at the hospital since three years.

A. since three years.

B. for three years.

C. since three years ago.

D. for three years ago.

Answer: B

Option B is correct because "for" is the correct preposition to use with a length of time, such as "three years". "Since" is used with a specific point in time, such as "since 2018". Options A, C, and D are all incorrect because they use "since" incorrectly.

3- I enjoy to play football in the park on weekends.

A. I enjoy to play football

B. I enjoy playing football

C. I enjoy play football

D. I enjoy to playing football

Answer: B

Option B is correct because the correct form is "enjoy + verb+ing". Options A, C, and D are all incorrect because they use "to + verb" or "enjoy + noun" instead of the correct verb form.

4- The students has to attend the lecture regularly to pass the course.

A. The students has

B. The student have

C. The students have

D. The student has

Answer: C

Option C is correct because "students" is a plural subject, so it needs the plural form of the verb "have". Option A is incorrect because it uses the singular form "has" with a plural subject. Option B is incorrect because it uses the wrong subject-verb agreement. Option D is incorrect because it uses the singular form "has" with the incorrect subject "student".

5- The book on the table belongs to the library.

A. The book on the table belongs

B. The book belongs to the library on the table.

C. The book on the table belongs to library.

D. The book belongs to the library on the table.

Answer: A

Options B, C, and D are incorrect because they change the meaning of the sentence. Option B suggests that the library is on the table, while option C suggests that the book belongs to a library without specifying which one. Option D suggests that the library is physically on the table. Option A is correct because it correctly conveys that the book belongs to the library and it happens to be on the table.

Click below link 👇 to download error correction pdf book.

SPSC IBA Error detection Pdf

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