NTS Vaccinator BPS06| How to prepare fo it ? | Sindh EPI Health
||NTS Vaccinator BPS06| How to prepare for it? | Sindh EPI Health ||
Vaccinator Preparation Pattern: > I.Q maths 20%, Everyday Science 30%, Vaccination 20% & GK, Islamiat, Ethics 20%.
There are eleven viral diseases for which the children are vaccinated including:
Neonatal Tetanus
Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
Hib Pneumonia
Childhood Tuberculosis.
NTS is to conduct vaccinator test within 10 days. How improve Vaccination part MCQs?
To improve the vaccination part MCQs, you could follow these steps:
Identify the key concepts: Review the vaccination schedule and the viral diseases for which children are vaccinated. Make a list of the key concepts, such as the names of the vaccines, the diseases they prevent, the age at which children receive the vaccines, and the number of doses required.
Use different methods for learning: Watch Videos, discuss with friends, Read Books, Attempt Online MCQs mock tests.
Test the questions: Before memorizing the questions for the test, test them with group of candidates to ensure that they are clear, accurate, and effective in assessing the test taker's knowledge.
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