English Vocabulary MCQs | Video| Online Test | Helpful for SST BPS16| Sindh Commission| Other Jobs

English Vocabulary MCQs | Video| Online Test | Helpful for SST BPS16| Sindh Commission| Other Jobs

Dear Sindh Commission SST BPS16 Secondary School Teachers, You have to face at least 10 MCQs from Vocabulary section. Therefore, you should memorize as more words as possible.

Vocab Online MCQs test👇

Vocab Starting with Alphabet A MCQs

English Vocabulary video 7

 English Vocabulary video 6

English Vocabulary video 5

English Vocabulary video 4

English Vocabulary video 3

English Vocabulary video 2

English Vocabulary video 1

English Vocabulary- MCQs Photo 👇

Top 40 Words Starting with Alphabet (A) (Part 1) MCQs set (1)

1. A bolt from the blue
(a) bad luck
(b) God sent gift
(c) a feared event
(d) sudden unwelcome event✓

2. A french leave
(a) a leave with permission
(b) a leave without permission
(c) privileged leave
(d) casual leave✓

3. -Abandon
(a) give up ✓
(b) pursue
(c) collect 
(d) hunt

4. Abasement
(a) incurrence 
(b) taxation
(c) humility
 (d) humiliation✓

5. Abate
(a) rebate 
(b) lessen✓
(C) essence 
(d) obvious

6. Abbreviation
(a) Short form✓ 
(b) long form
(c) medium form 
(d) Para phrase

7. Abdicate
(a) to resign✓
 (b) refuse
(c) disperse
 (d) turn aside

8. Abduct
(a) kidnap✓ 
(b) deliver
(c) collect 
(d) pickup

9. Abeyance
(a) obedience 
(b) discussion
(c) excitement 
(d) suspended action✓

10. Abhor
(a) adorn 
(b) difference
(c) hate✓
 (d) unpieasant

11. Abjure
(a) discuss 
(b) renounce✓
(c) run off secretly
 (d) perjure

12. Ablution
(a) censure 
(b) mutiny
(c) survival 
(d) washing ✓

13. Abolish
(a) nullify ✓
(b) build
(c) erase 
(d) disappear

14. Abortive
(a) unsuccessful ✓
(b) consuming
(c) financing 
(d) famitiar

15. Abrogate
(a) cancel ✓
(b) established
(c) decorate
 (d) explain

16. Abscond
(a) conceal one self ✓
(b) remain
(c) abstract 
(d) fabricate

17. Absolve
(a) discharge✓
 (b) penalize
(c) digest 
(d) concentrate

18. Abstemious
(a) moderate✓
 (b) diligent
(c) indulgent
 (d) sophsticated

19. Abstinence
(a) restrained eating or drinking✓
(b) vulgar display
(c) department
(d) reluctance

20. Abstruse
(a) complex✓
 (b) disgusting
(c) stubborn
 (d) obvious

21. Abundance
(a) scarcity
 (b) plenty
(c) excess ✓
(d) access

22. Accentuate
(a) to speed up
 (b) emphasize✓
(c) agree
 (d) act strongly

23. Access
(a) an elon gated addition
(b) means of entering✓
(c) large surplus
(d) a keeping in repair

24. Acclamation
(a) harmony of feeling
(b) possession of something new
(C) appointment
(d) enthusiastic approval✓
HST SST BPS16 Test Pattern 👆

25. Acclimation
(a) Storm's end 
(b) keenness
(c) decline 
(d) adaptation✓

26. Accolade
(a) balcony
 (b) outer garment
(c) drink 
(d) honour✓

27. Accomplice
(a) friend
(b) fatalist
(c) companion in crime✓
(d) hardworking

28. Accrue
(a) come about by addition✓
(b) reach summit
(c) create a crisis
(d) process

29. Accumulate
(a) to select
 (b) to collect
(c) to pile ✓
 {d) to stock

30. Acerbic
(a) boorish
 (b) bitter✓
(c) innane 
(d) ingratiating

31. Acidulous
(a) witty 
(b) realistic
(c) slightly sour ✓
(d) very generous
32. Acquaintance
(a) familiarity✓ 
(b) ignorance
(c) Gonnection 
(d) intelligent

33. Acquital
(a) clearance✓
 (b) conviction
(c) execution 
(d) conventional

34. Acrimonious
(a) bitter ✓
(b) agitative
(c) expansive 
{d) volatile

35. Acumen
(a) cleverness✓
 (b) obtuseness
(c) adarmant
 (d) astute

36. Adamant
(a) good natured 
(b) lovely
(c) stubborn ✓
(d) ugly

37. Addicted
(a) habitually dependent ✓
(b) furiously concentrating
(c) upset or disturbed
(d) despairing

38. Addle
(a) to confuse ✓
 (b) shake up
(c) increase
 (d) add

39. Adhere
(a) give up 
(b) stick ✓
(c) Griticise
 (d) appear

40. Adjacent
{a) contiguous ✓
(b) cut off
c) sharpened
 (d) lazy


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