How to get highest marks in any test ? Job Preparation| Interview| Competitive examinations

How to Get the Highest Marks in Any Test: Job and Exam Preparation Tips

 How to get the highest marks in any test ? Job Preparation| Interview| Competitive examinations 

If you are applying for government Jobs i-e Sindh government jobs, federal government jobs, IBA Sukkur Jobs, NTS Jobs, SPSC Sindh Public Service Commission Jobs, FPSC  and different teaching and non-teaching jobs in government and private sectors but could not get good marks, here are guidelines for you.

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Getting good marks in tests.

 1- Be sure to have breakfast, the test takers usually conduct 2/3 hours later then the announced time . In this situation, an empty stomach is harmful for the test. 

 ناشتو ضرور ڪري وڃو، ٽيسٽ وارا ڏھ بجي جو ٽائيم ڏئي اڪثر ھڪ بجي ٽيسٽ وٺندا آھن. ان صورتحال ۾ پيٽ خالي رھڻ ٽيسٽ حوالي سان نقصانڪار آھي.

2- Don't get worried when you see a crowd of people, don't think that there are five jobs and five thousand people.

 ماڻھن جو ميڙ ڏسي پريشان ن ٿيو، اھو ن سوچيو نوڪري پنج ۽ ماڻھون پنج ھزار، اوھان جي نصيب ۾ ھوندو ت ضرور ملندو انشاءالله. 

3- Read all the questions carefully before solving, most friends tick the wrong option in a hurry. 

 حل ڪرڻ کان پھرين سڀ سوال غور سان پڙھي وڃو، اڪثر دوست جلدي ۾ غلط آپشن ٽڪ ڪري ويندا آھن

4- Prepare well for the test, especially in the last days, leave all the work and get busy.

 ٽيسٽ جي سٺي تياري ڪيو خاص ڪري آخري ڏينھن ۾ سڀ ڪم ڪار ڇڏي ان ۾ مصروف ٿي وڃو

5- You must solve the old paper and mock tests of the test that you are going to take, i.e. the tests made in that style.

 جيڪو ٽيسٽ ڏيڻ وڃو پيا ان جا پراڻا پيپر ۽ ماڪ ٽيسٽ يعني ان طرز تي ٺھيل ان جھڙا ٽيسٽ ضرور حل ڪيو.

 6- Read the same material for memorization from different places: textbook, video, online test and discussion with friends.

 ياد گيري لاء ساڳي مواد کي مختلف ھنڌ کان پڙھو: ٽيڪسٽ بوڪ ، وڊيو، آنلائن ٽيسٽ ۽ دوستن سان بحث مباحثو.

 7- Don't memorize in science subject, by reading with understanding, things are remembered for a long time. 

 سائنس سبجيڪٽ ۾ رٽو ن ھڻو، سمجھي ڪري پڙھڻ سان شيون ڪافي عرصي تائين ياد رھنديون آھن.

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ان پوسٽ کي دوستن سان ونڊ (شيئر) ڪيو، ٿي سگھي ٿو اوھان جي ۽ منھنجي ٿوري ڪوشش سان ڪنھنجي زندگي ۾ بھتري اچي.

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