
Merit Lists, Required documents & Time frame for the process of JEST PST

Merit Lists of PST JEST & Timeframe  Merit list JEST (PDF) Click Here: JEST Merit list (pdf) PST Merit List (Pdf) Click Here: PST Merit list (pdf) Documents required There is no interview for the posts of PST JEST in sindh education department, you will only be called just to verify your original documents & residence certificates by DRC/DPC/DSC. Here is the list of Documents required after the DEO office will receive merit lists from Education department: Note: Probably 10 sets of above mentioned Documents will be required.   List of Documents required after displaying salary lists on Education department website: District level committee may reject you because of following reasons: Your graduation passing date is after the last date of PST JEST application submission date. You have got prepared you Domicile/ form D after due date of PST JEST Advertisement. Your Permanent address (mustkil patta)  in CNIC doesn't match with permanent address mentioned in Domicile....

Online earning through a blog

  How to create a blog? 1st Step : goto 2nd Step: Sign up for an account with your gmail adress. 3rd Step:  Create a title for your blog that will be visible to others when they visit it. 4th Step: Create a domain for your blog:  as domain of my blog is , this is the actual address by this address others will access your blog through putting that above address in chrome or other browsers. Step 5: Chose display name for your blog, that will be visible to others when they visit it, blog name that we typed in step3 & display name are same, we got this option before this as well. Step 6: Finally blog has been created, now click on ( + ) at right bottom to create a Post. d Step 7: Write a post containing 500 words at least, and press arrow button on the top-right. Step 8: Create a Google AdSense account & connect it with your blog: How we earn through blog ? Google AdSense is advertising agency, your site or blog when sho...

Algebra Hints + MCQs for Job Preparation

Algebra Solving Hints for Job Preparation Algebra Solving Hints for Job Preparation Algebra MCQs are very important for government job tests. Mostly Sukkur IBA includes 3-4 MCQs in every test of BPS05-15 in all tests. If you want to get the highest marks in competitive examinations, learn Algebra well. Age problems are also solved with the help of algebra. So, before appearing in the job tests of Sindh Commission, Federal Public Service Commission, NTS, and IBA Jobs, learn maths well. For candidates of BPS05-15, SST BPS16, SPSC, NTS, IBA & Other Jobs. Tags: Algebra solving hints, Job preparation, Algebra MCQs, Sukkur IBA, Competitive exams, BPS05-15, SST BPS16, SPSC, NTS, Federal Public Service Commission, IBA Jobs Hashtags: #AlgebraSolvingHints, #JobPreparation, #AlgebraMCQs, #SukkurIBA, #CompetitiveExams, #BPS0515, #SSTBPS16, #SPSC, #NTS, #FederalPublicServiceCommission, #IBAJobs ...

Maths (Mock test BPS05-15)

Maths (Mock test BPS05-15 Part2) Dear Aspirants!  (BPS05-15, PST , JEST, CCE, CSS, NAB, F.I.A, PTS, NTS, CTS, IBA) Here is Abdul Khalique , qualified  4 government jobs  & appeared in 40 j ob tests, its is conclusion of my whole experience , this maths test  contains Ratio /Proportion , Percentage , Average , Algebra & Simplification , if you are solving it 100%, no power in world may stop you from achieving your goal of government job. NAB, F.I.A, JEST, PST, NTS, CTS, PTS, IBA & other jobs require skills of maths, 20 questions will be asked in the teaching job test, that will be conducted very soon by Sukkur IBA, and you have also more than 20 questions each time when you appear for above mentioned tests. Here is maths mock test part2 Click here :   Maths Mock test BPS05-15 Next: Everyday Science Mock Test1 Previous: English Mock test1 Go back to: Go to Home

Maths Geometry Basics for Job Preparation

Maths Geometry Basics for Job Preparation Maths Geometry Basics for Job Preparation Theory+ Online MCQs test Very helpful for teaching and non-teaching jobs. Here we have updated the Geometry online Mock test + theory. If you want to get the highest marks in IBA Sukkur and other competitive examinations, learn about geometry. Circles, Squares, Rectangle, and Triangle are important shapes that you should learn. In government job tests, almost 2-3 MCQs are always included in the maths section. Try to memorize formulas to find the Area and Circumference / perimeter of the mentioned shapes. Tags: Maths Geometry Basics, Job Preparation, Theory, Online MCQs test, Teaching jobs, Non-teaching jobs, Geometry Mock test, IBA Sukkur, Competitive exams, Circles, Squares, Rectangle, Triangle, Area, Circumference, Perimeter Hashtags: #MathsGeometryBasics, #JobPreparation, #Theory, #OnlineMCQStest, #TeachingJobs, #NonTeach...

Maths Percentage solution hints + MCQs

Maths Percentage MCQs for Competitive Exams Maths Percentage MCQs for Police, Motorway, Vaccinator, PST JEST, ECT, EST & Other Jobs Helpful for IBA BPS05-15 Jobs. The percentage chapter is important because IBA Sukkur and other testing services always include 3-4 percentage MCQs in every government job test. Here we have updated percentage theory + percentage MCQs. If you are looking for math solutions based on competitive examinations, we have an online mock test for maths & solutions hints & videos. Tags: Maths Percentage MCQs, Police jobs, Motorway jobs, Vaccinator jobs, PST JEST, ECT, EST, IBA BPS05-15 jobs, Competitive exams, Percentage theory, Percentage MCQs Hashtags: #MathsPercentageMCQs, #PoliceJobs, #MotorwayJobs, #VaccinatorJobs, #PSTJEST, #ECT, #EST, #IBABPS0515Jobs, #CompetitiveExams, #PercentageTheory, #PercentageMCQs Maths Percentage MCQs for C...

Maths Ratio/Proportion MCQs

Maths Ratio/Proportion MCQs for IBA Sukkur and Competitive Exams Maths Ratio/Proportion MCQs for IBA Sukkur and Competitive Exams Enhance your competitive exam preparation with our Maths Ratio/Proportion MCQs. Essential for teaching and non-teaching jobs, this chapter is a crucial part of competitive exams, including IBA Sukkur. Mastering this chapter can simplify solving maths sections, as 4-5 MCQs often come from this area. Guidelines for Maths Ratio/Proportion This chapter is vital for competitive exams. By mastering it, solving the maths section becomes easier, especially since almost 4-5 MCQs are from this chapter. Tags: Maths MCQs, Ratio Proportion MCQs, Competitive Exam Preparation, Teaching Job Prep, Non-Teaching Job Prep, IBA Sukkur Exam, Maths Guidelines, Exam Strategies, Maths Chapter, MCQs Practice Hashtags: #MathsMCQs, #RatioProportionMCQs, #CompetitiveExams, #TeachingJobs, #NonT...