Merit Lists, Required documents & Time frame for the process of JEST PST
Merit Lists of PST JEST & Timeframe Merit list JEST (PDF) Click Here: JEST Merit list (pdf) PST Merit List (Pdf) Click Here: PST Merit list (pdf) Documents required There is no interview for the posts of PST JEST in sindh education department, you will only be called just to verify your original documents & residence certificates by DRC/DPC/DSC. Here is the list of Documents required after the DEO office will receive merit lists from Education department: Note: Probably 10 sets of above mentioned Documents will be required. List of Documents required after displaying salary lists on Education department website: District level committee may reject you because of following reasons: Your graduation passing date is after the last date of PST JEST application submission date. You have got prepared you Domicile/ form D after due date of PST JEST Advertisement. Your Permanent address (mustkil patta) in CNIC doesn't match with permanent address mentioned in Domicile....