IBA BPS05-15 Vacancies Position| How to apply ?
IBA BPS05-15 (Graduation, Intermediate & Matric category) Total Departments Vacancies position. Here is vacancies position for Matric category (test to be conducted very soon by IBA Sukkur, Graduation category (test conducted), Inter category (test conducted). Here complete details in Video 👇 Agriculture Posts *1273* Auqaf, RA, Zakat & Usher *249* Board of Revenue *1016* Cooperative *89* Culture, Tourism & Antiquities 244 Education and Literary *26789* Environment Climate change, coastal development *I00* Excise , Taxation & Narcotics *215* Enquires & Anti corruption, Estt, SGA&CD *341* Energy *415* Food *448* Finance *85* Forest & wildlife *213* GA Wing, SGA&CD *177* Foret & wildlite *213* GA Wng, SGARCD *177* Irrigation *1656* Industries & commerce *25* Kachi abadies *43* Local Government *15* Land Utilisation *03* Liv...